Episode 15: Interview with Jamie Della

Jamie Della lives in the Eastern Sierra, where she vacationed every summer and winter as a child. She has a writer’s spirit and a free-spirited, untamable soul and spends her time writing, making pottery, road tripping and engaging in the sacred art of hosting her vacation rental. She is the mother of a beautiful, smart…

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Episode 13: Interview with Raven Digitalis

portrait of author Raven Digitalis

Raven Digitalis is the author of Esoteric Empathy, The Everyday Empath, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999. A Priest since 2003. A Freemason since 2012, and an empath all of his life. He co-founded a nonprofit multicultural temple called Opus Aima Obscuræ (OAO), which primarily observes NeoPagan and…

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